Santosh Kalwar's Blog

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Studying in Finland, expectations and differences

“Expect the Unexpected in Life”. Life always brings you to unexpected places. I did not know some 1 year ago when I was teaching Students of Engineering Department in Kathmandu, Nepal that I would some day come to Finland. But now, I am here, writing this essay about my expectations and differences. For I come from Kalwar Family which for generations had engaged in business. I was the second Kalwar after my younger brother to come abroad for studies, from Nepal.

“All that glitters is not gold”. The first day when I landed my feet to this place, I didn’t knew how I will be greeted in Finland, I was surprised when I met a Old man near railway station in Helsinki, asked him some info in English, he did not replied anything. I was not surprised. Next thing that came in my mind was, “Am I walking in dead man’s land?” What are the reason people here in Finland do not talk with anybody? It has been a more than 3 months now in this Country and now I think they really believed in "Do". Is it because people here believe more in "doing" then "talking". Every body is so engaged in work that no body has time to talk with each other. I have to accept that, there is never a reliable map to unexplored territory.

My penchant was always towards Computer and it has never ceased to exist till date. Those impressions, still persistent in my conscience, landed me in Visveswaraiah Technological University, India for my Bachelors Degree in Computer Science and Engineering. My choice of Computer Science for my specialization didn’t come out of the blue. It was a garland of conscious decisions knitted together at various instances of time and I have been deeply satisfied with my academic result in my specialization. I gradually began to realize the insufficiency of my knowledge so as to increase the efficiency and quality of my work. Also, career became a secondary thing and knowledge and experience became my first priority. Accomplishing the apogee of my career has been a long time passion of mine. Saturating oneself with knowledge germane to one’s studies is the only way to prove the worth of one’s existence, not only to together but also to oneself. I am convinced that we people are destined to perform special task and it is up to us as to how efficiently we can perform them. I believe that I would complete my master degree from Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland because hard work is the chariot to success and one should not undertake a task and if he does, one should perform it to the best of his caliber. I expect to make new friends and teach them not to follow the manual of good behaviors but to discover their own lives, desires, adventures and to live.

Many of us worry about the future, hold regrets about the past, and completely ignore the present. I always believe that we are in now, and the now is amazing. It will be surprising to many people that this human lives just one day of his life, I do not care about the past, and I am not worried about the future, I live in now or present. May be that is why I have no expectations and I hate the word differences. It is always best to accept life as it really is and not as I imagined it to be. I am learning from culture, people and climate of this country a lot; when the days are all the same, they pass more quickly but for me every day is new day here and everywhere else. Since I do not expect anything from my own life how can I expect something studying in Finland? I have no expectations and I could not find any difference. But I have to tell this truth that, studying here, feels good, professors, staffs and all the people are very friendly, helpful, gentle and kind. Taking all these as the pedestal of my decision, my passion for understanding the world, the rules that govern it and the way of using them for the benefit of entire human race, I have always guided my thinking and actions.

To sum up, in my country, extremely limited institution providing Master’s degree in my relevant subject lack latest technologies and the required exposure to enable a student gain global recognition. So I have to look for possibilities abroad. The renowned faculty members and the stat-of-art technology and infrastructure along with subject pertaining to one’s interest can entice anyone to gain Master’s degree at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. I am no exception.

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