Santosh Kalwar's Blog

Monday, December 22, 2008

Die Or Live?

Die or Live?

• Why do people commit suicide?

Let me go through some of the things that I have figured out till date.There are many answers to the same question by many people and I may sometime agree on the issue and sometimes I may not agree at all.
The point is all do one thing which is "suicide", although the execution and implementation of the suicide might be different. What causes the humans to commit for suicide? I think the suicide is higher in Women than in Male but why do people have to think that they are going to quit the life?

One common cause is that,

Depression (Extensive)
Lack of purpose in living
Kill yourself

the process is Six step phenomenon where these six step phenomenon works like this.

1) Humans
We all are humans and we know there are our needs, our desire, career, life, relationship, friends, family, culture, country and our vision and motto for life. We know that we are going to achieve something or want something in our life. We have this quest and search for living happily ever after and smiling all the times (especially even in worries)

We all face problems. Our problems can be same and at the same time it can be different too. A personal problems such as lack of skill, lack of knowledge, divorce, physically obliged, sexually dissatisfied, displeasure, also work problems, career problems, struggling to make enough money, dreams and vision which results into self problems, distress, stress, anxiety, irritation, anger and grief and many more. These are all common problems that we face in daily life.

3) Sadness
the problems are the root cause of Sadness. The problem can result into Sadness. You feel sad, because you are going though divorce. Or, let us say, you feel dissatisfied because your friends earn better salary then you do, or let us say, you are facing career problems with no position offered for higher studies and so on. Therefore, the problems can result into Sadness in our lives.

4) Depression (Extensive)
(Why?) Well, Depression because this is root cause of making you think that you should quit your life. The depression especially extensive. It might come when you are alone, when there is nobody around you. When you feel lonely and you are in darkness. This might give you enough reasons to think that you should "check out" from your life.

5) Lack of Purpose in Living
we are humans and we live on purpose. We have a good purpose to live our life simply because we are either Engineers earning a good salary and we have a nice job or we are doctors serving patient daily, or we are professor giving lecture to the student, or we are authors writing and telling our stories all around, or we are artist who is painting his vision. Life is full of purpose and without purpose we lack everything. When there is feeling of lack of purpose in living then we think well, now I do not have anything to do. What if, you imagine that you do not have anything to do? What will happen when you do not have anything to do?

6) Kill yourself
this is the best solution when all of your previous five steps are ready. When you are gone through above five steps or even few of them then you are finally ready to "check out" from your life. You do not feel anything in this state. You do not have any opinion on any body. You cannot take any lessons inside. Nothing can go inside you. Only thing that is going to make a mark in your life NOW-Kill yourself. Now, you want to see how would "I" be after I killed myself? Where would I go? Since nobody wants me, why should I live anymore? There is NOBODY for me? I am alone and I was alone, why should I live? What is the purpose for me to live any longer? I am a burden in this earth?

These questions will drive a human to finally quit the life.

Therefore, when a human goes through these six steps they can really go for a long long holiday. The root cause of problems should be discovered early in the life. There are many ways to avoid it. Unlike going through these problems one should actually think about doing something positive and good.

1) Everybody in this earth is unique. They are made for some purpose.
2) All humans are born special and they should die special. (Not like a coward by committing suicide.)
3) There are never any reasons for "love", there are never any reasons for you being alone.A man who loves his aloneness is capable of love, and a man who feels lonely is incapable of love.
4) Live not for yourself, live for others.
5) When you decide you want to kill yourself, first decide to smile at 1000 child.
6) Learning never stops and imagines being old writing book, telling your story to your grandchildren or your children, Everyday event adds to one page of journal in your life.
7) Think, Learn, Educate, and See and Feel the world with similarities. Hope is the best medicine in darkness.

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